African Studies Association Annual Teachers' Workshop 2021
Designing the Future: African Visions for a Just World
The ASA Outreach Council organizes a teachers' workshop that provides educators with resources, lesson plans, and professional development on topics tailored to specific grade levels, subject areas, and curriculum frameworks. The 2021 workshop was held virtually on Saturday, November 13th, 2021. All current US K-14 educators were eligible to register. View the 2021 virtual workshop schedule below and click "more details" on the individual sessions to learn more. Recordings for most sessions are now available on our YouTube channel. Click the link below.
Designing the Future: African Visions for a Just World
How do we design just and sustainable futures together? Why is it important to center Africa in our thinking about the future and what can we learn from the African experience toward this goal? This year’s ASA Teachers’ Workshop brings the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) under a critical lens. We see the struggle for a more just world - from the fostering of more equitable North-South relations, the struggle for gender equity, to the dismantling of global white supremacy - as intricately connected with struggles for the well-being of our whole planet. We know that students and educators are trying to work out their role as agents of change for a more equitable and sustainable world. We also note that demographic changes mean Africa will be central to this future.
In response, this year's workshop sessions explore diverse African visions and work toward a better future. You'll learn why your students need a better understanding of African countries as we move further into the 21st century, then you'll have a chance to explore in more depth. Workshops are organized by subject: history and social studies, literature and language arts, visual arts and music, science and technology. No matter what subject or age-group you teach, the ASA Teachers' Workshop will provide you with ways to incorporate African visions for a just future into your teaching.
Note the color codes below as you browse the workshop schedule by subject area. Hover or click the individual boxes below to learn more about each session. Attendees will be able to navigate in and out of sessions during the workshop and do not need to register for individual sessions in advance. Please contact Lindsay Moats at Lmoats@fas.harvard.edu with questions about the workshop.
History & Social Studies
Literature & Language Arts
Visual & Performing Arts
Science, Health & Technology
2021 Workshop Schedule
11:55am EST | Welcome & Introductions from Ousseina D. Alidou | Music from Isaac Kalumbu
12:15pm EST | Keynote Speaker: Dr. Cheikh Thiam | African Visions for a Just World: Why Africa? Why Now?
1:00pm EST | Opening Session : William Kamkwamba | The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind
1:25-1:30pm EST | 5 minute break
Breakout into presentations. See schedule below.
Session 1: 1:30 - 2:50pm EST | Choose from the following four live presentations
2:50 - 3:00pm EST | 10 Minute Break
Session 2: 3:00 - 4:20pm EST | Choose from the following four live presentations
4:20 - 4:30pm EST | 10 Minute Break
Session 3: 4:30 - 5:50pm EST | Choose from the following four live presentations
5:50 - 6:00pm EST | 10 Minute Break
Evening Session: 6:00- 6:50pm EST | Jerusalema: From Hymnal to Global Sensation Talk and Dance Tutorial
Closing Session: 6:50-7:00pm EST | Evaluations
Current teachers may receive a certificate of completion following the 2021 workshop. Professional development points/CEUs will be provided by Boston University (MA), UNC-Chapel Hill (NC), and Indiana University School of Education (IN). All participants will receive an email following the workshop detailing how to request certificates.
Registration is free thanks to the generous support of the members of the ASA Outreach Council. A limited amount of free tickets are available. If you register and do not attend the workshop, you may be wasting a space that could have been given to another teacher. Please only register if you are certain that you will attend. If you need to cancel your registration, please email Lindsay Moats at lmoats@fas.harvard.edu as soon as possible so that additional spaces can be reserved.
This virtual workshop will be recorded and shared publicly on the ASA website. All registrants are agreeing to being recorded anytime their video is turned on.