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Teaching Resources

We've created a central repository of some of our most popular teaching resources from the various African studies centers across the country. Use the dropdown menu to filter resources by the lowest appropriate grade level. Click the "Reset" button to go back to all resources. Check back frequently for new resources.

The goal of this resource is to activate students’ knowledge by providing an experiential understanding of select concepts in the physical geography of Africa and by centering the lives of people.

Boston University

Introducing African Geography Google Earth Lesson: People First

The goal of this resource is to activate students’ knowledge by providing an experiential understanding of select concepts in the physical geography of Africa and by centering the lives of people.

AFROFILES is a podcast produced by students of African Studies at Yale, showcasing scholars and stories from across the continent and the diaspora.

Yale University Students


AFROFILES is a podcast produced by students of African Studies at Yale, showcasing scholars and stories from across the continent and the diaspora.

Evidence of Africa in the world is often hidden in plain sight, available but undiscovered.
The Discover Africa in the World Project reveals Africa-related sites in regions beyond the continent of Africa.

Howard University

Discover Africa in the World

Evidence of Africa in the world is often hidden in plain sight, available but undiscovered.
The Discover Africa in the World Project reveals Africa-related sites in regions beyond the continent of Africa.

Africa Access was founded in 1989 to help schools, public libraries, and parents improve the quality of their K-12 collections on Africa.

Africa Access

Expanding Perspectives on Africa Book by Book

Africa Access was founded in 1989 to help schools, public libraries, and parents improve the quality of their K-12 collections on Africa.

 Africa is a diverse and dynamic continent. Click "Learn More" for a compilation of things anybody should know about Africa.

Indiana University

Global Snapshots: Africa

Africa is a diverse and dynamic continent. Click "Learn More" for a compilation of things anybody should know about Africa.

This popular poster & curriculum guide provide an excellent entry-point to teaching about Africa. The poster enables students to conceptualize the sheer magnitude of the African continent.

Boston University

"How Big is Africa" Curriculum Guide

This popular poster & curriculum guide provide an excellent entry-point to teaching about Africa. The poster enables students to conceptualize the sheer magnitude of the African continent.

This 3-part lesson introduces students to African women who challenged colonial rule.  It  debunks the myth of the submissive African woman.

Howard University

Voices From Africa: Colonized Women Talk Back

This 3-part lesson introduces students to African women who challenged colonial rule.  It  debunks the myth of the submissive African woman.

How do you teach about the post-world-war-II era and the era of decolonization and independence in Africa? This lesson helps educators historicize the “story of development” to better understand how these relations between countries came to exist historically, and these labels “developed,” “developing” (among many others) came to be created.

Boston University

Interrogating International Development: A Lesson

How do you teach about the post-world-war-II era and the era of decolonization and independence in Africa? This lesson helps educators historicize the “story of development” to better understand how these relations between countries came to exist historically, and these labels “developed,” “developing” (among many others) came to be created.

Our educational material engages young children in ways that their classroom lessons cannot. We give them a Pan African experience of ecosystems, conservation, and cultures, like theirs.

N*Gen TV

N*Gen TV | African Contexts in Science Inquiry Videos

Our educational material engages young children in ways that their classroom lessons cannot. We give them a Pan African experience of ecosystems, conservation, and cultures, like theirs.

Global Literacy Invitation Project introduces 3rd- 6th grade teachers to quality children’s literature that supports global learning and connections. Teacher participants are introduced to the Global Literacy Invitation teaching strategy and examine ways in which their students can participate in an open-ended investigation that extends the theme of the book into other areas and subjects, including technology, science, math, music, and art.

Indiana University

Global Literacy Invitation Project

Global Literacy Invitation Project introduces 3rd- 6th grade teachers to quality children’s literature that supports global learning and connections. Teacher participants are introduced to the Global Literacy Invitation teaching strategy and examine ways in which their students can participate in an open-ended investigation that extends the theme of the book into other areas and subjects, including technology, science, math, music, and art.

Explore videos of inspiring, informative, thought-provoking lectures from TEDGlobal 2007, “Africa: The Next Chapter,” held in Arusha, Tanzania in July of 2007.

University of Wisconsin Madison

Africa-related TED-Talks

Explore videos of inspiring, informative, thought-provoking lectures from TEDGlobal 2007, “Africa: The Next Chapter,” held in Arusha, Tanzania in July of 2007.

 The creative lesson plans and articles from each issue of Irohin were written by participants of UF's K-12 Summer Teachers Institute.

University of Florida

Teach Africa: Irohin

The creative lesson plans and articles from each issue of Irohin were written by participants of UF's K-12 Summer Teachers Institute.

This virtual tour follows the footsteps of Ibn Battuta, a 14th century Muslim traveler, exploring the places he visited and the people he encountered.

UC Berkely

The Travels of Ibn Battuta | A Virtual Tour

This virtual tour follows the footsteps of Ibn Battuta, a 14th century Muslim traveler, exploring the places he visited and the people he encountered.

This page of resources on the climate crisis provides teachers with music, poems, news, a bibliography, and youth activist voices for teaching about the climate crisis in Africa and inspiring students to act for change.

Boston University

Meeting the Climate Crisis with Activism: A Resource List

This page of resources on the climate crisis provides teachers with music, poems, news, a bibliography, and youth activist voices for teaching about the climate crisis in Africa and inspiring students to act for change.

The Gold Road Interactive Map highlights the people, places, and items related to the medieval Sudanic empires of Ghana, Mali and Songhai. The Gold Road invites users to explore hundreds of topics related to the empires and their role in global history.

Howard University

The Gold Road

The Gold Road Interactive Map highlights the people, places, and items related to the medieval Sudanic empires of Ghana, Mali and Songhai. The Gold Road invites users to explore hundreds of topics related to the empires and their role in global history.

Africa Focus Digital Collections is the largest collection of Africa images and sound clips freely available on the web.

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Africa Focus Digital Collection

Africa Focus Digital Collections is the largest collection of Africa images and sound clips freely available on the web.

South Africa: Overcoming Apartheid, Building Democracy presents first-hand accounts of this important political movement.

Michigan State University

Overcoming Apartheid

South Africa: Overcoming Apartheid, Building Democracy presents first-hand accounts of this important political movement.

The podcast offers vital insight for understanding the continent so that teachers can facilitate deeper learning about the world with their students.

Boston University

"What Teachers Need to Know - Africa Edition" Podcast

The podcast offers vital insight for understanding the continent so that teachers can facilitate deeper learning about the world with their students.

The Exploring Africa! curriculum covers a major topic or theme in the study of Africa, which is then divided into thematic, disciplinary, regional, or country modules.

Michigan State University

Exploring Africa!

The Exploring Africa! curriculum covers a major topic or theme in the study of Africa, which is then divided into thematic, disciplinary, regional, or country modules.

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